Live 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 taboo phone sex

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Cougar Tiffanie

Lusty, Playful Tiffanie

I would have to say, there is nothing more Taboo, then the thought of wanting to lose your virginity to Mommy. If you have ever thought about having some Mother Son phone sex chat then you have had those taboo thoughts that get my juices flowing so much.

I am sure you have fantasized about being with your friends Mom or your own, Haven't you? Don't look down upon yourself, but look at it as who better yet to explore this role play phone sex then with a very experienced mommy.

I am very experienced in when it comes to pleasing...

I too started at a very young age, with my Daddy. I was afraid to tell people we use to shower together, I would wash him, give him hand massages, Or at least that's what he called them. I have so much to show you my Son, Just how to touch mommy, caress mommy, kiss mommy. When you see Mommy naked in the shower, don't you think about how you just want to jump in and explorer our bodies together?

I am in need to be teased and pleased, and hopefully some Mutual Masturbation Phone Sex cum into play, when it comes to pleasing you. Nothing turns me on more, knowing that I have pleased you, Call me for a Mature Phone Sex call, and better yet with Mommy. We will get so freaking nasty, and as hardcore as need be. When I am done with you, you will be panting. Hurry... Mommy needs you!

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Role-Play - Mutual Masturbation - Family Fun - -

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